Saturday, June 03, 2006


Wow....that's a big one. I am so trying to change my routine. I have this terrible habit of coming home, cooking dinner, doing the dishes and then just plopping somewhere for the rest of the evening. I'm a morning Im up at 5:30 am and usually in bed by 9:00 pm at the latest. Plopping is not necessarily a GOOD thing. I seem to plopp everywhere. I plopp at the gallery, I plopp at home, I plopp behind my torch, I plopp in the movies, I plopp in front of the TV, I plopp in front of the computer. Lots of plopping here.....Being the intelligent person I am....I know this is not a good thing. How many things do you do that aren't a good thing? Recognition of the not good thing is a step in the right direction but we need to take it further and change.

So in an effort to change, I have actually motivated myself to get in the car and drive to the beach (not far away) and walk along the sea wall or promenade. Now this step takes a conscious effort not to drink too much wine with dinner so I can drive legally to where I want to walk. I actually drive because it really is too far to walk..... plus that's an incentive to not drink so know what I mean?

So, I begin my walk......I've got my camera, I am letting the beauty flow over me, I am in perfect peace with the environment.....Just in that blissful moment, these cute kids, pierced, tattered and drugged, stagger by calling me a tourist. Why would a tourist be a profanity?? Why would being a tourist bother these kids. Why would they assume I was a tourist? and really.....what does it mean to them?

I had to laugh.....I've been where they are, tattered, drunk(not pierced) and drugged.. In my own world. I'm am so very glad that my life didnt end there, that I was able to escape, to learn to respect people, to realize that I had a responsibility to this earth, to recognize my short comings, to work on them, to find God, and to find accept myself, know that I am a good person, to accept others and to try to see what they are and not what I think they should be.

Miss Rosie says.......none of us are what the other person sees or wants all the time....we is US and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's not.

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