We bought 1.2 acres of land on Highway 101 with a shack on it. We built Aunt Rosies Discount Mall, a flea market and for the next 10 years had the time of our lives making a living doing what we loved to do....Buy and sell junk.....We became friends with a wonderful woman Linda Danna who owned Whale Cove Restaurant which had the BEST fish and chips, cinnamon buns and clam chowder in all of Oregon.
Then Bob got sick and 3 years later died....Everything that has been dear and near to me has died.....My son, my husband....I have been left with nothing.....
and then....it's God's turn.....through my best friend, Linda Danna, his first wife I am introduced to the man I will live the last 1/3 of my life with and we, together, will glorify God through it all!!!....
So....let's cut to the chase.....now....the legacy built has come to and end and daily since July 21, 2014 there has been a parade of people who know me come through the door and their questions echo in my ears. What are you going to do? where are you going? and it goes on and on.
15 years ago I picked up the book "Purpose Driven Life' by Rick Warren. I opened it....and it said!!!! "Go to Church!" I slammed it shut and opened it again and it said...."Go to Church" I could do nothing less than obey....and so the journey began of my walk and relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ......
Yesterday, while sitting on the pot, my favorite place to talk to God......I picked up Rick Warren's book..."Daily Inspiration for the Purpose Driven Life " and here are the guidelines for the rest of my life!!!!! Everything below is from Rick's book and I thank him for the inspiration he has gotten from God to share with others.
Living with Purpose: Many are the plans in a man's heart, but is the Lord's purpose that prevails...Proverbs 19:21
Living on purpose is the only way to REALLY live. Everything else is just existing. Unfortunately it's easy to get distracted and forget what is most important. To prevent this, you should develop a purpose statement for your life and review it regularly.
What is a Life Purpose statement? It is a statement that summarizes God's purpose for your life. "Our purpose is to please God, not people. 1 Thessalonias 2:4
It is a statement that points the direction of your life. Know where you are headed and you will stay on solid ground. Proverbs 4:26
It's a statement that defines "success" for you. I want you to understand what really matters. Philipians 1:10
It is a statement that clarifies your roles. You will have different roles at different stages in your life, but your purposes will never change.
It is a statement that expresses your shape. It reflects the unique ways God made you to serve him. So I serve my God in Worship, in discipleship, in ministry, in mission, and in fellowship (the hardest for me)
My goal is to measure up to God's plan for me. and I know that the more I listen, the more I will hear what that plan is....So....the Rosie chapter ends and a new chapter is born and I look forward the journey......Rosie
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