Saturday, September 13, 2008

I have No choice but to love the sinner and hate the sin

Being a Christian, believing what is written in the bible, places a responsibility on me that goes beyond what is politically correct or socially accepting. I have no choice but to state my beliefs.....

.Believe it or not....we are all sinners.... We just have a hard time admitting it, but in doing so and in asking forgiveness we soar like eagles on a cloud of grace.

This commentary is for those who are fighting to try to believe and it is sooooo hard in this world today. It is not popular to believe....and it might seem crazy to believe in what you can not see......Faith is believing in what we can not see. It is the ultimate surrender......and in surrending you receive far more than you can ever imagine. You receive receive the knowlege that you are going to live forever, you receive eternal life....

What do I have to give up for eternal life......I am forever born a sinner. I have to accept that, admit that and ask for forgiveness and for the strength to fight my sin. You might ask....."what sin are you talking about?" In your heart you know what all sin is and it is not up to me to validate it for you....

.Ask yourself....what is the sin and am I entangled in it? You might ask.....what all the hoopla.....let's just live, let live, have fun, and let the chips fall where they may......That's an option I am unwilling to embrace. one time. I was in that frame of mind.....there was no conscious thought of my actions and I was in to feeling good no matter what. How can I explain what happens when Jesus becomes part of your consciousness. The things that could be so easily shrugged off become like thorns in your side that you can not ignore.

So....back to the title of the post. I choose to love the sinner and HATE the sin. So....In Lincoln City, Oregon on the 20th of September or thereabouts......human beings, just like me will practice their free will to indulge in sin..... asking to be accepted. I say to you....those of you who practice carnal knowlege of the same sex.......I accept you....the person.... I love you...the person... I pray for you....the person.... and I hate the SIN.... let's discuss the issues....... Rosie the wildwoman

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