Saturday, December 07, 2013

Enlightened one day at a time…...

The end of a day…..Successful….86 years old…..just sold $165.00 worth of my creations…..Creations I have been creating for ever since I moved to Oregon…..I am an artist…..I create….people buy my work…..But you see…..I am 86 years old and my whole life has changed. I can no longer drive….I have traded my independence for a senior living center. Yes….I have a one bedroom beautiful apartment and all it is to me is Jail!!!! Mind you……..My state of existence would be the same in my own home…..but I would blame my inability to cope on things that are much more comfortable if I was at home…..Where I am at is glaringly uncomfortable. Too much going on, too many activities, I feel overwhelmed and then….you see….I have become acustom to living alone….. Mind you…that was not always so…..I had a mission before…..I took care of my MOM until I could no more…..and NOW….that is where I am…. My daughter taking care of me until she can no longer……But here's my dilemma … I have made money……I told my daughter what good is it to make money and not be able to spend it!!!!! Can't shop, can't go where I want….do not feel good…..Oh, Lord. you are SOOOO amazing in your answers to these questions……..What to do!!! at this time in my life…..when abundance flows to me…..what should I do…..Thank you Lord for your gracious answer……Share your ABUNDANCE with those who need it!!!! It is as simple as that!!!! It is so amazing how easy it is when you listen to God!!!! Oh….how I ramble….at 86 it come with the territory….What I have said may make sense….it may not… matter….who it is meant for will understand and those who don't….God always gives us SECOND CHANCES!!!! and thirds….and fourths……until the end……Thank you Father….

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